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August 2019 I was walking my dog on my local country roads and mainly the roads would be quiet. That week they where a bit busier than usual as the Ulster Rally was to be taking part that weekend.

From where I’m from, the area was to be cordoned off for the event. Good for me as the Rally would virtually be going near my front door!

Craig Breen competing in the Ulster Rally

I thought I would get some surveillance and see who would use the recce time to observe the upcoming stages. Drivers from across the UK and Ireland was due to compete in the event so you never know who you could bump into.

As I was walking up the road I seen this black Renault Clio coming past me. Travelling at a desent speed, left hand drive I knew it was one of the rally drivers.

A replica of what Craig Breen would have drove in the recce

It was Craig Breen himself. At that time Breen was competing in the Irish Tarmac Championship. Victory at that weekend would hand him the championship. Something in which he always wanted to achieve when he was a kid.

Alongside his co-driver for event Paul Nagle, my legs just stood still. Despite wearing sunglasses I knew who they where when they about to pass me.

My reaction was to just put the hand up and wished him good luck for competing in the Ulster Rally. Breen for that split second smiled at me and drove on.

Highlights of the 2019 Ulster Rally

That showed the personality of Craig Breen. He just wanted to compete no matter what sort of car it was. He loved rallying.

The next day we had the Ulster Rally, Breen achieved his destiny. He clinched victory and the title. It’s hard to imagine that Breen will no longer be with us. – Andrew, Founder of The Motorsport Hub

Breen and Nagle at the finish line


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