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Ott Tänak will return to drive for Hyundai Motorsport next season according to Dirt Fish.

The 2019 World Rally champion has agreed terms with the Alzenau-based team and will return to partner Thierry Neuville next year. Tänak left Hyundai bound for a single season with M-Sport Ford World Rally Team at the end of last year.

His three-year-stint from 2020 to 2022 aboard an i20 netted just five wins, one short of the six he’d achieved with Toyota in his title-winning season.

DirtFish understands Esapekka Lappi will remain with the team next season, but the Finn could run a reduced program, potentially sharing a third car with countryman Teemu Suninen.

So far Tanak, Hyundai and M-Sport have not made any official statement about this.


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