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A potential return to the World Rally Championship calendar for Ireland is progressing, with a decision on three bids being considered by WRC Promoter and Motorsport Ireland slated for next week.

Three locations are being evaluated to host a new Irish WRC round on a potential three-year deal: Limerick, Kerry and Waterford.

Ireland last hosted a WRC round in 2009, with its brief foray on the world stage based in Sligo; crews tackled stages in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Motorsport Ireland had previously issued a letter of intent among its member clubs in September last year, intending to put together a bid for a WRC calendar slot as soon as 2025.

Limerick Motor Club has publicly set out its stall for what its bid to host Rally Ireland would look like; Limerick Racecourse would host a 10,000 square meter service park, fan zone and media centre.

The Limerick bid will present its bid to WRC Promoter and Motorsport Ireland at its proposed rally headquarters this Thursday.


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